lørdag den 28. november 2009

torsdag den 26. november 2009

Kenton Slash Demon / Unga Bunga GæsteMix

Kenton Slash Demon lavede et fremragende gæstemix til Unga Bunga fredag den 20. november.

Du kan downloade det HER:

Fever Ray - If I Had A Heart
Delorean - Seasun (John Talabot's Kids & Drums Remix)
Kenton Slash Demon - Sun
Ricardo Villalobos - Enfants (Chants) / Luciano - Metodisma
Kenton Slash Demon - Singla
Kenton Slash Demon - Ida Gonzalez
Superpitcher - Superjam / Gustavo Santaolalla - The Joker
Gold Panda - Quitters Raga
Chemical Brothers - Starguitar
The Rapture - I Need Your Love
Bodymovin - Everybody (Turntablerockers Remix)
Tiger Stripes - Alma
Kenton Slash Demon - Brunn

mandag den 23. november 2009

Shoes and tunes..

Midt i København "popper" der er ny butik op i denne uge - kun for at forsvinde igen efter fire dage.. Torsdag til søndag kan du i Krystalgade smutte ind i ShoeShiBars Pop-Up store og købe sko, høre musik, drikke drinks og eventuelt være med til at designe dine helt egne stiletter..


Der er en ordenligt stak DJs der spiller:
















Ikke dårligt.. Og om ikke andet, så kan du nyde disse skønheder:

søndag den 22. november 2009

Fever Karin Knife Dreijer

Om en uge (29.11.09) skal svenske Fever Ray give koncert i DRs koncerthus.. En koncert jeg ser utroligt meget frem til. Hvis man kender lidt til musikken ved man, at hendes univers er meget stramt. Produktionerne er knivskarpe, og jeg håber, at den flotte sal kan skabe det rigtige univers for koncerten.
Hun gav koncert i Vega i forbindelse med udgivelsen af pladen "Fever Ray", og desværre var lyden ikke helt god nok/opsætningen ikke helt stram nok til, at kunne gengive det dystre, smukke univers, der er på pladen. Særligt hendes vokal, var svær at gengive som på albummet, da der er brugt et hav af effekter, for at få hendes stemme til at lyde præcis som den gør.
Men lige meget hvad, er det at opleve hendes univers tæt på utroligt. Hun er en stjerne af et meget sjældent format.

Kan du lide hendes vokal, så er der masser at lytte til:

onsdag den 18. november 2009

Unga Bunga gæstemix til download..

Få et par uger siden havde Henri Matisse lavet Unga Bunga gæstemixet.. Du kan få tracklist & downloade mix her..

1. Intro - Planet Rock (Acapella) - Powers That Be ft. Roland Clark
2. Los Ninos De Fuera (Original Mix) - Luciano
3. Zorro (Phonique & Tigerskin Remix) - Namito
4. Tribute (Original Mix) - Cesar Merveille & Pablo Cahn-Speyer
5. Mad Max (Super Flu's Home Sweet Home Remix) - Marcus Meinhardt
6. Vocal Chords (Original Mix) - Claude von Stroke
7. Swallowed Too Much Bass feat. Paris The Black Fuu (Joris Voorn Remix) - Steve Bug
8. Le Moustique (Original Mix) - Sebastien Leger
9. Trauma (Original Mix) - Andre Winter
10. Penguini (Original Mix) - Hugg & Pepp
11. Bye Bye (Full Vocal Mix) - Moire, Andreas Hinz, Michael M

Unga Bunga Guestmix 06-11-2009 by henrimatisse

Få info om Henri Matisse her:




søndag den 15. november 2009

And the winner is..

CPH:DOX has just ended. Ten days. Loads of documentaries. I had the honour to be selected to be in the jury for the category "Sound And Vision": My fellow jury members are all respected artists, and it has been some interesting days full of recommendations and discussions. The jury was Johann Johannsson, DJ Spooky, Caroline Sascha Cogez, Erika Wasserman and me.

Seventeen documentaries in four days. We saw Villalobos, Stages, The Delian Mode, White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights, All Tomorrows Parties, Insurgentes, The Family Jams, Off Ways, And I Ride And I Ride, We Don't Care About Music Anyway, La Faute Des Fleurs, Memory & Desire, On/Off, Høsttidløs, To Be Or Not To Be.
After hours of watching film we had to vote for a winner. We agreed right away, so there was no arguments or discussions. We also agreed that not only had we found a winner we had also a documentary that we wanted to honour with a special mention.

A Special Mention:


This film is only about 25 minutes long and every minute is fantastic. It's about Delia Derbyshire, who was employed at BBC's Radiophonic Workshop in the 1950s. She was a very innovative musician and was one of the first who created electronic music.
She created it with field recordings that she looped, manipulated and turned on its head. Pretty great.

And the winner is:


A very moving film about a true artist! I can't remember the last time I saw such a beautiful documentary..

This is what we said when we presented the award at the show saturday night:
"The jury sat in the cinema together. As the film ended, the silence from having experienced something unique and complete, left us for a while with no words. Filed by emotions - nothing to add. Then someone whispered in the dark ' i think we have a winner' and the rest of us agreed on the spot.

This is a film that goes beyond musical taste, and right in to the human soul.
The filmmaker leads us with his precise and sensitive camera through a beautiful, poetic and ruthless journey of a man driven to create by his inner demons.

It's skillfully edited, fluid in structure but still with a narrative voice. It gives the insight to an inspiring artist, and the man behind the art. And respectfully reveals the pains and consequences for living as an outsider to the norms of society."

And a recommendation:

To Be Or Not To Be

A very inspiring film about people who need their music to express themselves - as artists and ordinary human beings. Some of the people we meet in the documentary are living in a country where you can't speak your mind and where women are not alowed to play instruments.. I found myself taking notes during the film because it was so moving."

fredag den 13. november 2009

Unga Bunga Studiet

Vores studie, når vi sender Unga Bunga:

mandag den 9. november 2009

Sikke et tab!

Jerry Fuchs, der har været trommeslager for blandt andet LCD Soundsystem, !!!, Maserati og The Juan MacLean døde sørgeligt nok i en ulykke søndag den 8.11.2009. Han deltog i et velgørenhedsarrangement i Brooklyn, og skulle tage en vareelevator sammen med en anden gæst. Elevatoren var stoppet mellem to etager, og da Jerry Fuchs forsøgte at hoppe ind i den, blev hans tøj fanget i elevatoren, hvilket resulterede i, at han blev flået ind under den.

Hvor er det trist!

Læs mere HER og HER






It's been 20 years today ... A little less than a year after the fall of the Wall, Roger Waters performed THE WALL live between Potsdamer Platz and the Brandenburg Gate - a location that was part of the former "no-man's land" of the Berlin Wall.

The record had been released 10 years before the fall of the Wall in Berlin, and Pink Floyd had been touring the record in the beginning of the 80's.. The Berlin concert was much, much bigger though as a result of Roger Waters building a 550-foot long and 82-foot high wall, which was broken down in the show!!

350,000 people attended the concert and more than 50 countries broadcasted the event.

The concert was recorded and is sold on DVD.. It's fantastic and I must say - very mooving. I think I will dedicate my day today to The Wall - the movie, and afterwards I'll watch the concert. What a day!

.. And also.. I really don't think David Hasselhoff had anything to do with the fall of the Wall..

tirsdag den 3. november 2009


Jeg spillede et nummer på P3 i dag, som jeg blev nødt til at afbryde på grund af P3 nyhederne - intet nyt i det.. Der var et par lyttere, der bad mig om at poste tracket på bloggen her, og det giver jo fin anledning til at fortælle lidt om en af verdens sejeste kvindelige performere.

Irske Róisín Marie Murphy har været en del af duoen Moloko sammen med kæresten Marc Brydon (som blandt andet hittede stort med nummeret Sing It Back).
Efter de to stoppede deres samarbejde (og forhold) udgave Roisin sit debutalbum Ruby Blue i 2005. Hendes andet soloalbum Overpowered udkom i 2007.

Begge plader er super fine, men min personlige favorit er Overpowered, da der er et par suveræne tracks på, jeg endnu ikke er blevet træt af:

Jeg krydser fingre for, at næste plade Orally Fixated kommer i starten af 2010 .. hurry up!

søndag den 1. november 2009

Two recommendations in one..

One of my favorite tracks at the moment is Lisztomania by the french band Phoenix - both the original tune and the CLASSIXX Version are superb. The track is from their fourth album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - and for the first time they have invited a producer (Philippe Zdar from the duo Cassius) into the studio with them.
The reviews have been pretty great.. 4-5 stars in most magazines.. Read the review from NNE here.

On November 10th the four french guys will be performing in Denmark - at Vega

And as if that wasn't good enough - the cool band Noah And The Whale (who wrote 5 Years Time) are warming up that same night at Vega!!!
The english band's name is a marriage of the title of one of the band's favourite films, The Squid and the Whale, and the director of said film's name (Noah Baumbach). They released the single 5 Years Time for the first time in 2007 and re-released it in 2008. I actually found the old version in my iTunes the other day - I guess I got it from a blog when it was first released but I didn't fall in love with it before hearing it again...

If you have the cash for it you should go see the show!! It will be fantastic - no doubt!

